Ever Clean Colonics

1133 Pleasantville RoadBriarcliff MnrNew York 10510, United States (see map and picture of building below)



By Appointment Only

Gentle, Safe and Effective Colon Cleansing


Our building (above right) is across from the Chase Bank and above a cafe called “The Patio". The entrance is on the right side of the building - door next to approx. 15 mailboxes. Enter and take stairs on the right. Parking is available in the back of the building and up front.

Clients are asked to arrive on time. For the consideration of other clients, arrivals of 10 minutes or later result in cancellation.

Office Policies

Cancellations or changes to appointments must be made within 24 hours of scheduled appointment time. Any notification received in less than 24 hours is subject to a $25 fee or cancellation of coupon, prepayment or discount (if applicable).